Friday, October 29, 2010

The winner.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....The secret Oriely del Pilar Flores....

This story took place in the ancient times, somewhere that can be wherever place, far away from the imagination of everyone. There lived a family, but not a simple family; there was a king who has one son, the little prince.
With the passing of the years, the little prince grew up and become a handsome but selfish boy, everything that he wanted he knew that his father will give him. But one day while he was in the forest, walking around, he saw a beautiful bird with bright colors, as he always get what he wants, he decided to catch it and have it in a cage, he though “ this bright bird will look nice in my room”. So when he was on the verge of catching it, the bird of colorful feathers flew away. The prince was upset and quickly threw a stone at the little bird as it flew away. The stone hit the little bird, and it fell from the sky to the ground. When the prince saw the bird on the ground, he felt no remorse and took it to his castle.