The Simpsons
The Simpsons is a popular animated television series created in USA by Matt Groening. This comedy series presents a parody of the typical American family, who lives in a fictional town named Springfield; located in an unrevealed state of the USA. This family is constituted by four members, all of them are important, and each one has its own personality.
This is the case of Homer, the father; he is gullible, loser, fat. However these are the characteristics why people love him. Marge is the mother who sometimes takes care of her family but, sometimes she makes mistakes or creates problems. Bart and Lisa are the children, the first is a troublemaker and Liza is the smart of the family. And finally Maggie is the youngest child of the family, however, she never does anything special but, people love her.
Today, more and more are watching this program because the things and the characteristics of the family make them laugh. In my case sometimes I watch this program but, I can say The Simpsons cracks me up. In Peru people enjoy being entertained by this program. Maybe because when they watch it they see that their families sometimes have problem but like The Simpsons they have to try to solve them. Maybe this is the most important part because The Simpsons have a lot of problem but they always try to solve them.
However, due to the items that The Simpsons shows, some countries have censored some episodes. Nevertheless we do not have to forget that this program turns any country´s problems into a story to make people laugh when they watch it. We have to learn to laugh about our problem, and this is the mission of The Simpsons.